Friday, February 13, 2009


This is about my maid who like many others is a victim of domestic violence and much more.

I am your wife,
With you I've spent long years of my life,
Today when you show me the knife,
I wonder if this is what all my life I did strife.

When you throw me off the bed,
With anger your face turning red,
You don't even care if I've bled,
I wonder to this what has led.

As you push me down the stairs,
I really wonder if theres anyone who cares,
Not even those who've witnessed this unending nightmare,
As I was raped off my pride layer by layer.

I work all day to make ends meet,
In dust, chill or the scorching heat.
Why then this is the way you treat(me),
I wonder as I walk down the street.

You never loved me for what I was,
Sex, for marriage was the only cause.
I still slept with you everyday,
Even when I knew I was not your only prey.

Not once have I asked you Why,
Because I know you are going to lie.
Drinking is an excuse for you to beat me up.
I am filled with anguish like tea to the brim of the cup.

I earned for us to survive,
I don't know how I was so naive.
All that I earned was spent by you to drink,
Even before I could blink.

When I worked late to make a cut,
You didn't think twice before calling me a slut.
When I earned a little more,
You conveniently labelled me a whore.

I don't know behind closed doors what you did with your daughter,
When she walked out, her soul was slaughtered.
In you a father, she never had,
But I'd never imagined things could ever get so bad.

I'd promised myself that my daughters won't go through this ever,
I'd forgotten that a woman can promise never.
Their life is what their man will make it to be,
Whether its good, bad or ugly.

I don't know what went wrong and where,
I don't know why lifes not fair.
I don't know what brought us here,
I don't know why noone cares.

As I walked with a bruise on my eye,
There were questions all over, Not again!! Why??!
I wondered if again I should lie,
But this time I just began to cry.

I don't know whats keeping me here,
Its definitely not love, I wonder if its fear.
I show am strong,but you've ripped me apart,
You've not just broken, but have crushed my heart.

I am not going to ask you not to beat me,
I am not going to fall down on my knees,
I am not going to take away your priveldges of being a 'He',
All I'm going to do is set myself free.

1 comment:

Mayank said...

i can actually feel the pain, feel like crying after reading it!